Kurstema: Blåsa Alla katetrar är inte likadana

RIK kräver en del engagemang från patienten och det finns de som slutar med terapin. Patienterna behöver vara välmotiverade, ha fått god introduktion, kateter som är individuellt utprovad och som förhindrar komplikationer. Katetrar där ytan har en osmolalitet i balans med urinen är nyckeln till att reducera friktionen när katetern förs in och dras ut. LoFric har snart funnits i 40 år på marknaden och har dokumenterad förmåga att effektivt tömma blåsan helt och reducera komplikationer, som till exempel hematuri och UVI, även vid långtidsanvändning.

6 Items

  1. Friction and hydrophilic catheters

    key:global.content-type: Artiklar

    Urine often has a high concentration of particles and low content of water. This is referred to as high osmolality. Urine osmolality has a direct effect on catheter lubrication and plays an important role for people who use hydrophilic catheters. Catheters with a surface osmolality in balance with urine is key to reducing withdrawal friction.

  2. Hydrophilic catheters and lower risk of hematuria

    key:global.content-type: Artiklar

    A lubricated catheter is recommended to reduce damage to the urethra and lower the risk of hematuria which is a common complication. A cross-over study comparing different hydrophilic catheters showed an even lower frequency of hematuria in patients who chose LoFric.

  3. Hydrophilic catheters and reduced risk of UTI

    key:global.content-type: Artiklar

    Extensive studies support scientific literature claiming that use of hydrophilic catheters reduce urethral trauma and urinary tract infections. This in turn can minimize the need for antibiotics. Because of these benefits, we now know that hydrophilic catheters are one of the most cost-effective ways to prevent long term urological complications in general and UTI in particular.

  4. Long-term safety of intermittent catheterization

    key:global.content-type: Artiklar

    Single-use hydrophilic catheters were developed in the early eighties to address long-term complications of intermittent catheterization as seen when reusing plastic catheters with add-on lubrication.